Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian.“Determining chemical exchange rate of the CEST contrast agents in the molecular magnetic resonance imaging at the steady-state conditions”Iranian Journal of Biomed. Eng vol. 16, no. 4, pp.300-310, 2023.
Reza Akbari-Movahed, Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian.“Automatic diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment based on spectral and functional connectivity and nonlinear EEG-based features”Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2022, no.6, 2022.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian.“Simultaneous determination of exchange rate and concentration of paramagnetic contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging using electromagnetic pulse width” Machine Vision and Image Processing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1-11, 2021.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeia.“Detecting the CEST effect through the noisy Z-spectrum based on solving the BlochMcConnell Equation”Iranian Journal of Biomed. Eng vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 47-58, 2021.
Somayeh Kazemi, Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian and Ali-Reza Kokabi, “Modeling of short polypeptide chains to identify Essential Amino Asids by calculating nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum” vol. 19, no. 67, pp.223-234, 2021.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian.“Analytical determination of the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) contrast in molecular magnetic resonance imaging”Journal of signal data processing. vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 71-86, 2020.
Reza Akbari-Movahed, Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Mohammad-sina Javadifar, Mohammad-Reza Alimoradi. “A Face Recognition Framework Based on the Integration of Eigenfaces Algorithm and Image Registeration Technique” International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), Tehran, Iran, 2020.
Reza Akbari-Movahed, Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Shirin Ghasemi.“An Image Watermarking Algorithm for Medical Computerized Tomography Images” In2019 5th Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS) 2019 Dec 18 (pp. 1-5).
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh.“Simultaneous optimization of power and duration of radio-frequency pulse in PARACESTMRI” Magnetic Resonance Imaging journal, vol. 36, no.6, pp. 743-753, 2016.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh. “Quantification of the CEST effect by Gaussian mixture modeling of Z-spectrum”, "Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) , 2015 , 1.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh.“Designing and Optimization of Continuous Electromagnetic RF Pulses for Studying CEST MRI by Numerical Solution to the Bloch-McConnell Equations”Iranian Journal of Biomed. Eng., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 87-99, Spring 2014.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh. “Optimum concentration of contrast agent for different RF pulses in CEST MRI” Nonosafty conferenc, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh. “Optimizing the parameters of continuous RF pulses for CEST MRI by numerical solution to the Bloch-McConnell equations”20th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME'2013), Tehran, Iran, 2012, 137.
Mohammad-Reza Rezaeian, Golam-Ali Hosienzadeh, Hamaid Soltanianzadeh. “Numerical solutions to the Bloch-McConnell equations with radio frequency irradiation scheme for CEST MRI”Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE'2012), Tehran, Iran, 2012, 1584.
Senior Technical Consultant of Hitachi, Shimadzu, General electric, Mindray companies; electrocardigraphs, patient monitoring system, ultrasound imaging and other Medical equipments